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Not my cupcakes I hasten to add- I tend to rush decoration and they look more like the pic at the bottom!

I have to share this recipe so I don’t lose it. I am notorious for not being able to follow a recipe. I use them as guides and change things as I go along. Constant experimentation, sometimes it works, and sometimes…well lets just say those ones won’t be posted!!!

I have a very sweet tooth and it is my undoing, I hate adding sugar to things because I know how damaging it can be to your body. I have just found coconut sugar. Brilliant adds good fat fibre and natural sweetness to any recipe. I also have been playing with various different gluten-free flours and have enjoyed using them knowing they are adding some goodness to my baking. Pair this with the added pleasure of baking with my 2.5 year old and we are winning all round.

150g organic butter, 150 g coconut sugar, whisk till creamed (blended and fluffy)

Add 3 organic eggs one by one and whisk together,

then 25g coconut flour (red mill), and 25 g organic cocoa powder, 120g gluten-free baking and biscuits flour(red mill) ( I deviated slightly from my original plan of quinoa flour (red mill)and add baking soda, that’s for next time!)

tsp baking powder

then coconut flour sucks up moisture so I added oat milk till I got the desired consistency when whisked together (wet but still thick and fluffy).

Then 2 1/2 handfuls of hazel nuts bashed and I cut up a small bar of organic 85% chocolate added and stirred.
Oven at 180 for 18 mins check and keep going till golden brown (mine took 22 mins but I never wait for the oven to heat up!). Or 8 mins in the cupcake maker (yep!!) made about 25-30 and they are nice and light and fluffy.

Frosting; 20g butter, 2tbs boiling water and cocoa then sprinkles for fun!

My friend has just added the following frosting which shall be my next plan: “chocolate frosting (cocoa, dates, coconut oil)” From our new fav blogger Thanks Amanda xxx

Happy baking and indeed sharing with family and friends.

Heres what I think encompasses my decorating skills!!! Love this-


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