Fermentation and Culturing Workshop;
including Kefir, Kombucha and Yoghurt.

You will take away grains and a scoby each and will learn, taste and get ideas on how to implement them into your life.
Limited to 4 people per workshop

Duration 3 hours

Cost $400 (HK)

Next one;

April 27th 10.30-1.30 (FULL)  Tsing Yi

May 11th 10.30-1.30 (2 spaces) Tsing Yi

Introduction to Bach Flower Remedies

Most people have used or heard if Rescue Remedy. There are 38 Remedies in Bach’s system if Remedies. Designed with ‘simplicity, humility and compassion’ this course is designed to introduce to you what the remedies are, how they work and how you can introduce them into your life to support your Health and Wellbeing. Safe for babies, pets and even used on plants!

Duration- 2 hours
Cost- $200 (HK)
Minimum people 5- max 10 per group.
Remedies available to use during the class. Please bring a bottle of water to leave with a personal blend.

The Naturopath’s First Aid Kit

In acute situations it’s good to have to hand remedies, foods, and supplements to support the body’s immune defence. In doing so you will speed up recovery without suppressing the body’s course of action. Give yourself some confidence to use more natural methods of healing and prevention of further illness.

Duration: 4 hours including breaks
Cost: $700 (HK)
Minimum people 5- max 10 per group

5 week Naturopathic Nutrition course

Covering Nutrition from a Naturopathic point of view (using nature for health and well-being) Giving a sound foundation and confidence.

Areas covered include: nutrition for digestive health (including liver support), immune strength and first aid, energy production and body fat management, hormonal balance and preconception to teen health. Can also cover Men’s health. (also if you have a particular area in mind as a group  we can tailor the course to your needs)

Prices: $2500 (per person for the 5 weeks)- need a minimum of 5 and maximum of 10. However may need to change depending on location.

Date and times; The course will be two hours a week for 5 weeks  (evenings 7-9pm and weekends available)

Pre and post natal health

A workshop designed to support women in any time of their pregnancy and beyond. Good for those planning to get pregnant, with children but planning more and those already pregnant. Supports natural labour, using natural remedies whilst pregnant and Breastfeeding, exercising while pregnant and after (closing abdominal separation and rebuilding core strength).

Duration: 2 hours
Price: $400 (HK)
Minimum people 5- max 10 per group

Children’s nutrition

A workshop designed to cover all area of children’s nutrition- from birth through to teenage years. Covering natural remedies to support their growth and development. How to balance blood sugar levels, support their hormonal changes and looks at various nutrient needs that change through the years.

Duration: 2 hours
Price: $400
Minimum people 5- max 10 per group

All courses and material are in English at present.